Bllee! Ough! Trrrrrr! Huhmmm!
Natasha Brown & Francesco Felletti proudly present their duo show: “Bllee! Ough! Trrrrrr! Huhmmm!”.
PV: Thursday 20th February 6-8PM
Open 21, 22, 23 February 12-5PM

Bllee! is the bloopity zippity zap of a plasma ball.
Ough! is the skronk off-key cello of a neighbor.
Trrrrrr! is the grucky growl of a tin tin machine for ocular voyages.
Huhmmm! is the murmur whoosy hush of the wind pulling a windsock.

Natasha Brown is a UK-based South African artist interested in what an audience might do with an illusion already revealed or obvious. Using painting to address practical magic tricks and gimmicky objects, she is interested in how a viewer conspires with an artwork, keep its secret or lets themself be cut in half by it. This is accompanied by a question of how painting, as a form of representation, experiences the tension between sincerity and post-truth. Her painting practice informs her work within arts education. 

Francesco Felletti is a UK-based Italian artist interested in the connections between people and the spaces they inhabit. Through socially engaged practices and multimedia installations, he investigates the subtle spatial clues that places can reveal, staging elements of the hidden, obsessive, absurd, and humorous. He is currently interested in how artists socially and historically influence the politics of spaces, working on projects that explore place attachment and gentrification.
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