Worse Than Before, Better Than Yesterday
Kaja Stumpf
Open from 16th - 25th June
Private view Thursday 15th June, 6-8PM
Kaja Stumpf (b.1987, Norway) lives and works in London. Her recent work examines memory, self-representation, and the mind-body connection. She explores the idea of selective memory and cognitive bias as a means of self-preservation. Through painting, she revisits past experiences to discover subconscious and hidden motifs that control behaviour. She is interested in the coping mechanisms that develop in response to emotional needs and why our bodies become currency to communicate what we value and how we feel. With a background in fashion design, her understanding of the body as a tool for self-expression impacts her exploration and fuels her need to dig deeper into the ideas behind the exterior. Utilizing staged images and the photographic family archive, she alters the colours to create a sense of delayed familiarity, and by applying a digitally inverted filter, a parallel scene is revealed.
You can find out more about Kaja's work at www.kajastumpf.com